Entertain Business Clients, Prospects or Employee Team Building or Holiday parties by adding a fun, step by step Art Painting or Craft Activity taught by a professional artist. Fund Raisers see below.

Choose from many crafts or paintings of various subject matter. Choose your date and time. Let us know what type of event and we will email you selections to choose from. A custom design can also be discussed.
At your site, you provide the covered tables or if you chose a restaurant or hall, they should provide the tables and I will bring the craft and materials needed, or the paint, canvases, brushes, plates, aprons and instruction to produce a finished 9 x 12 canvas board painting or craft.
The food and drink is up to you, we provide the craft or painting lesson for 1- 2 hours, depending on the project you choose.
Please contact [email protected] for pricing.
Please call for information. We can setup a strategy to bring in customers, create poster or flyer art for you to produce, and have payment choices for the event. We have done fund raisers for Moose Lodges, Amvets, Teen Centers and more.
Please call for availability of date and time 847.421.1616
or email [email protected]

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